
Mike Gjura

Coach Mike

Boss Fit Nutrition Coaching

Mike Gjura is a Health and Wellness Coach, entirely based Online.

Certified in Exercise Nutrition, Personal Nutrition, Personal Training and Behavioural Change.

Focusing on achieving goals and breaking down barriers using fine-tuned Nutrition Habits and Nutritional Education, alongside a bulletproof fitness habit to keep you growing week over week.

Mike has had his online coaching business since 2019 at which he's mastered his craft in healthy habit formation & behavioural change.

They say the best coaches are the ones who have literally walked a mile in your shoes. At Mike's heaviest weight, he weighed 263lbs and over 18 months, he dropped 112lbs total to 151lbs, over the last few years, Mike has maintained that health balance and packed on 30lbs of pure muscle.

Creating "daily rituals" & understanding how powerful your daily habits can be, is often the make it or break it on your health. Never counting calories or restrictions on food.

A Coach is there to uncover & understand your goals (even when you're unsure what your goals are), build a unique plan for you based around your real life, and lastly help you not only achieve your goals in health but push you even further than you thought was possible.


Next Level ASD Consulting

I met Sarah while I was looking for work, she works with people on the spectrum to help them build the skills to land and maintain their work. She helps with job search, interviews skills and how to navigate the workplace for neuro-diverse people.

In my time working with Sarah we have built a mutual respect and trust. We now have formed a partnership and we do training and presentations built around neurodiversity in the workplace, we bring the unique combination of my firsthand personal ASD experiences in the workplace and Sarah's wealth and knowledge from her over 12 years working with the neuro-diverse community.

I am excited to be working with Sarah to help both neuro-diverse and neuro-typical people grow, both personally and professionally.

We're here to help.

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