About Us

James Townend


James Townend is a Certified Life Coach and Financial Planner who has worked with clients in financial planning for over 15 years. James has a degree in Administration and Economics and has completed various courses in financial planning with the Canadian Securities Institute, most recently obtaining his Certificate in Advanced Financial Planning in October 2020. James was diagnosed with Autism in 2017. James has a daughter who was diagnosed with ASD in 2018. He hopes to help people become the best versions of themselves through co-active coaching and achieve financial success through in depth and collaborative coaching. Through years of successful advising and his own personal challenges he has found that often neurotypical people’s spending and financial habits come from emotional responses. In the neuro-diverse community spending and financial habits seem to come more from an inability to express emotional responses.

Since 2001, James has been in the financial services industry working with clients to achieve financial and personal success. At ASD Financial and Life Coaching clients will learn about the relationship between their emotions and their financial habits to develop plans and goals based on what their life needs and wants are.

James has a passion for helping people. He has made connections with his clients that have had a lifelong effect on them. He believes in doing what is best for his clients and always doing the right thing for the right reasons. When he meets with a client it is about their plan and where they want to go. He wants to be the one to help guide them on their journey.

We believe that everyone should be put in a position to succeed. Over 70% of people with mental illness have financial problems and as an overall population Canada is at its highest debt to income ratio in history. Through years of firsthand experience James has seen the need for financial literacy in all age groups and backgrounds of clients and the cause of those issues which lead to a deterioration of mental health and increased stress level. Given these trends we believe that a coaching practice that focuses on sound financial planning and the emotional connection to those issues is of great importance.

ASD Financial and Life Coaching is a co-active coaching practice that works with people to help them better understand themselves and develop a life plan as it pertains to their personal and financial growth and empowers them to make life choices based on what they need in their life.

James is also working on a book Mental Health=Financial Wealth.

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